What To Bring on the Plane- Flight Essentials

by | Jul 8, 2023

Now that your bags are packed it’s time to think about making the actual traveling portion of the trip more enjoyable.  There are many ways to simplify the flight, train, drive, jet lag etc. that are discussed in this article, but here are a few more items that are great to have on hand in your backpack or carry on bag.  


Noise-Cancelling Headphones – Noise-cancelling headphones make a huge difference and are worth the investment.  These headphones from Bose are fantastic – they are comfortable, wireless, have great sound and noise canceling and a long-lasting battery.  These headphones from Bose also look cool. 

noise cancelling headphones. travel accessories


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Earplugs – Sometimes, headphones aren’t enough and you can double up with earplugs under your headphones when trying to sleep.  Bring a few sets of earplugs – you may need them in your hotel or on other flights. Earplugs vary in comfort level depending on your ears. Denser earplugs will keep out more noise but can cause irritation if you wear them too long.

earplugs for flying. accessories for flying


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Eye mask – A must for overnight flights, or any time you think you can sleep a bit while in transit.  Skip the expensive options, this 3 pack of lightweight eye masks are a great option. You may be hesitant since wearing an eye mask around a big group of people (on the flight) seems a bit silly.  Trust us, blocking the light out so you can actually sleep is well worth the fashion dilemma.

eyemask for flying.


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E-Reader – An e-reader like this one is very compact and can hold many books without weighing you down.


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Downloaded movies or shows – It is always a good idea to plan ahead and download some entertainment for yourself on an iPad, tablet, or your smartphone.  On more than one occasion, we have been on long flights when the in-seat entertainment systems have been down.  


Neck pillow – A few options:

best neck pillow for flying.


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neck pillow for flying


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Bottled water and snacks – We hit the airport store just before our departure gate and always grab some bottles of water and snacks before we board a flight.  It is so important to hydrate while flying, and having a sealable bottle of water is key.  Even better, bring an empty reusable water bottle with you and fill it up at one of the many water stations in every airport.  These are a few options:


Collapsible option:


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Non-collapsible with filter:


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Thick socks and a sweatshirt or blanket – Because planes are sometimes hot, sometimes cold – best to be prepared and as comfortable as possible.


We hope these suggestions help improve your future travel?  Check out our Travel Tips collection.

The Passporter